A Garratt In Miniature

Monthly Archives: July 2011

July Update

At the moment, I’m working on finishing the main attachments for the frames. This involves some fabrication of stretchers at three points across the frames. I’m waiting on a few more laser cut bits to get these finished. Pictures, will of course follow. In the mean time, i’ve been making a start on the main driving wheels. Its been a slow process, as the blanks I’ve got vary in thickness and “trueness”! All drivers are now bored, with a start made on shaping them.

It’s pushing the boundaries of my lathe, but they are coming together. 9 down, 3 to go!..

As you can see from above, 9 of the wheels are faced and bored both sides, leaving the tread and wheel webs to cut on the faceplate…

More than likely, there will be no update next month, as I’m off to the US of A for a long earned break! Normal service will resume in September!

Cheers, Chris