A Garratt In Miniature

Monthly Archives: January 2012

January Update

After the Christmas break (And a family wedding!) its time to get back to building the Garratt. I have been concerntrating on the front end components, mainly the drag beam/coupling, cow catcher fixings and front pony truck centering spring. The image below shows the brass tube and attachments which will contain the springs, which centre the pony truck. All complete, they just require some suitable springs to finish them. This assembly is secured directly to the coupling/drag beam above. The unpainted strip of metal running between the brass cylinder and buffer beam is the top beam of the cow catcher…

This is the pony truck centering and drag beam/coupling assembly out of the frames…

This front shot shows the start made on the cow catcher assembly. Top and bottom beams are done, leaving only the vertical bars to be inserted between the two. These will be constructed from 10mm steel tube…

A similar view to above, but without the lower cow catcher assembly…